
Abbotts Ann Church of England Primary SchoolCelebrating Achievement, Building the Future in God's Love with Curiosity in our Minds, Compassion in our Hearts and Courage in our Actions

Sports / PE Premium

Our Vision for Sport and PE at Abbotts Ann


At Abbotts Ann C of E, we recognise the value and impact of high quality PE and school sport which we offer the pupils in our care.

P.E. and School Sport play a vital part in living out our values of Curiosity, Compassion and Courage on a daily basis. We aim to provide children with the opportunities to challenge themselves, inspire and be inspired, be active, collaborate, compete and lead others.  Here at Abbotts Ann, we believe that providing pupils with high quality sporting opportunities will:

  • Instil a love a being active which will stay with our pupils through adulthood

  • Build a sense of belonging and cooperation through team work; to learn to cope with success and failure as a team and build resilience

  • Enable pupils to practise mutual respect and responsibility; taking turns and sharing

  • Help themselves and others to improve and achieve goals
  • Show pupil how to have fun, take on different roles, be active and healthy

We understand that children have personal preferences in the activities they choose and we are proactive in offering a wide range of opportunities, during school time and in afterschool provision of clubs. Our aim is for children to foster a love of being active and for this to continue beyond school.

Our aim is for pupils to be Active, Fit and Happy!

Sporting Events at Abbotts Ann

Our children love taking part in sporting events and outdoor activities.  Here are some examples of the sporting opportunities we have:



Our Key Stage Two pupils enjoy the weekly after school football club run by a coach from PH ActiveEd. 



 The Multi-skills approach is extremely popular amongst our children and we recognise the importance of allowing them to experience a range of sports and activities – there really is something for everyone. Children learn the importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle and also build on our School’s values through team work, collaboration and being a good sports person. Children get the opportunity to practise and hone their skills and transfer these across different sporting disciplines as well as having a very enjoyable, active  experience. Key Stage One pupils can attend a weekly after school session run by PH ActiveEd. 


Country Dancing

Our KS1 children enjoy practising for this event each summer and always take part with gusto and enthusiasm. It is also a perfect opportunity for children to meet with other schools and for parents to come and see what their children have been learning in their Dance lessons.



Year 5 and 6 pupils take part in Level One and Two bikeability sessions in the Autumn term in order to develop and practise their cycling skills. 


Sporting Lunch Club

We run a range of activities at lunch times where children can build on their physical and team work skills.



Year 5 and 6 enjoy their intensive swimming lessons and are always proud of what they have achieved.



Throughout the year, the children have opportunities to take part in competitions and festivals with other local schools in a range of sports. 


We love to hear about the clubs and hobbies our children pursue outside of school and always give time during our Friday Celebration Worship for children to come up and speak about what they have been up to outside of school. We are delighted that children bring in their certificates and badges from gymnastics, dance and swimming lessons to name but a few of the clubs our children work hard at in their own time.
