Welcome to the PTA section!
Abbotts Ann School Association (AASA)
What is the AASA?
The main objective of AASA is in partnership with the school and parents, to enhance the education and well-being of Abbotts Ann School children by providing resources and activities for pupils. The Abbotts Ann School Association has one simple aim, which is "to advance the education of the children of the school".
The (AASA) PTA Committee always welcomes new members - to ensure there is a wider group of representative to contribute their views but also to benefit from the aptitude, skill-sets and experience of our parents and staff.
Participate in meeting new people, voicing your thoughts on how money could be allocated, and most importantly making a difference to the children's experience at Abbotts Ann School are just some of the benefits you will acquire by being involved with our PTA.
Our meetings are held on a monthly basis and are open to everyone, why not come along and listen to the variety of discussion points being explored? You can contribute as much or as little as you wish and chose to get involved as much or as little as you aspire to.
If you would like any further information regarding the PTA, are interested in joining the committee or have any suggestions or ideas about fundraising, please contact Mrs Sophie Longstone (Chair), Mrs Jennifer Pusinelli (Secretary) or Mrs Fliss Stuart (Treasurer) via email at abbottsannsa@gmail.com or alternatively drop a note for their attention into the school office.
We look forward to hearing from you!