
Abbotts Ann Church of England Primary SchoolCelebrating Achievement, Building the Future in God's Love with Curiosity in our Minds, Compassion in our Hearts and Courage in our Actions


The Geography Curriculum at Abbotts Ann CE Primary School



It is the intent for Geography at Abbotts Ann to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.


Geography will be taught in all year groups through a topic approach. The geography curriculum will ensure depth and breadth whilst teaching knowledge and skills progressively, providing plenty of opportunities for children to build upon, revisit and embed previous knowledge. Through discreet geography lessons the children will investigate their local area, the United Kingdom and the wider world and will develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. They will gain an excellent understanding and appreciation of what makes places unique and how the world is interconnected.


Our Geography curriculum reflects our school values:

Compassion to the world we live in. Children understand that through geography, we can learn about our own place in the world, our culture and values and those of others, and their rights and responsibilities to other people. Understanding that they can make a difference to their world and change it for the better for all living things. A Curiosity and fascination of the world and its people. Ignite a desire to study places across the world and explore what makes each place unique. The Courage to come up with ways to protect our natural environment, play our part in saving the world and solve problems for now and future generations.


A child in Dolphins said-‘I love fieldwork. We went around Abbotts Ann and we looked at the old school. We were finding out why it moved.’



At Abbotts Ann our children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding, appreciation and knowledge of the world, their place in it and how they can care for it. Within lessons, children have the opportunity to ask and answer questions about the human and natural world. They develop their knowledge of places and environments throughout the world and deepen their understanding of the ways places are interdependent and interconnected. The topics are planned around key questions using an enquiry approach and encourage the children to develop a range of problem solving and investigative skills. Teaching equips children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, interpret geographical information, reach clear conclusions and explain and present their findings. Field work and opportunities to learn outdoors help children develop an appreciation of the natural world. Throughout their time at Abbotts Ann children develop their understanding of maps, and are exposed to consistent learning and development of geographical vocabulary. Children have opportunities to learn about and discuss current climate issues and develop their understanding of living sustainably, helping them to become responsible global citizens. Lessons are carefully planned and adapted to enable all children to develop their geographical skills and knowledge. These are transferable to other curriculum areas and promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


A child in Dolphins said-‘Fieldwork is fun. We went around our school to find the most litter. It was in the courtyard so we are getting a new bin.’




Children will develop a strong knowledge of their local area, localities within the United Kingdom and on a global scale. They will be able to identify similarities and differences between places and have an excellent understanding of how places across the world are connected. Through a carefully planned progression children will have strong locational knowledge and will be able to locate continents, oceans, countries and cities with confidence. They will be able to identify and clearly explain the key physical and human features that make every place unique. Children will be able to use maps and atlases accurately and use geographical technologies to explore key questions. Lessons will provide children with opportunities to follow a geographical enquiry, develop fieldwork and research skills, think independently and reflect on the opinions and the opinions of others. Children will be able to think critically and communicate confidently both orally and in their writing.


A child in Penguins said ‘It is fun looking at maps. They are helpful and show you where to go. I used my map to follow a route around our school.’


Children will leave Abbotts Ann with a strong understanding that they can make a difference to the world and that their actions can have an impact and improve the world. They will understand that the world is constantly changing and that they have a personal responsibility as a global citizen. Children will be excited and motivated to learn about places across the globe, show a real passion to learn about the natural world and have an on-going curiosity about our global climate, different cultures, environments and societies.


A child in Hedgehogs said ‘It was really fun at Mudeford. I enjoyed looking at the water at different times of the day.’
