What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium was introduced in 2011. It is additional to the main school funding. The government believes that it is the best way to support the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free school meals ( FSM) and their peers.
The government states that school should decide how to use the funding, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their pupils need.
Pupil Premium is allocated to schools to work with children to support them to achieve their very best. It comprises 3 allocated grants to schools and support these children:
How do we support Pupil Premium Children at Abbotts Ann?
At Abbotts Ann we focus on removing any barriers to learning for children and support them, in ‘closing the gap’ between those children who receive pupil premium and those who do not. Our school values underpin the way children are supported in their learning. All children are encouraged to participate, to do their best , be courageous, love and respect each other and take responsibility for their learning. We believe that every lesson counts for all children and endeavour to provide high quality teaching to ensure standards are high and children achieve.
We monitor every child in the school through regular half termly pupil progress meetings, in which the teacher, Head teacher and SENco discuss progress any intervention and support needed to make further progress. We measure the impact of intervention programmes, and adapt approaches where required in order to ensure that we deliver the very best support that we can.
Staff support children through their feedback and marking to master their learning and work on any misconceptions.
The wellbeing of our pupils is a high priority as we believe that children learn best when they are happy and settled. We provide additional support in a variety of ways for children who may need it. We provide enrichment opportunities to enhance learning through our creative curriculum and enhanced provision if it needed.
There is a detailed list about how we have used this year's Pupil Premium grant to support the learning progress and wellbeing of our pupils and to support additional enrichment opportunities. Please see below.
What about children who are not supported by pupil premium?
It is important to understand that all children that have been identified as having a need are also provided with appropriate support and intervention, however our statutory requirement is to report only on the Pupil Premium Grant.
What should I do if I think my child may be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant?
Please ask at the office if you would like any further information. Mrs Vignaux or Mrs Stephenson will be very pleased to support you.
For more details of how this grant is spent please click on the Pupil Premium PDF Links below: