
Abbotts Ann Church of England Primary SchoolCelebrating Achievement, Building the Future in God's Love with Curiosity in our Minds, Compassion in our Hearts and Courage in our Actions

Personal Development Learning (PDL)

Personal Development Learning (PDL) Curriculum at

Abbotts Ann CE Primary School



At Abbotts Ann CE Primary School, our rich and inclusive PDL curriculum underpins every aspect of school life and learning, and reflects our core values of curiosity, courage and compassion. PDL is an umbrella term that encompasses the new statutory Relationships and Health Education as well as bringing together spiritual development, emotional literacy, school Christian values, learning behaviours, British Values, social skills and knowledge of the wider world. Our curriculum enables our children to blossom into confident, curious, independent, kind and responsible members of the ever-changing society they are growing up in and enables them to stay safe, happy, healthy and mentally strong. We help them to build the self-esteem and resilience that they will need to develop nurturing relationships and make a positive contribution within their community and within society more widely. Our PDL lessons are based around PSHE Association topics but these are expanded and adapted by teachers to include all the other aspects mentioned above, and to meet the needs of all children in the school. They cover the aspects of Relationships Education outlined in the statutory guidance. (

At Abbotts Ann we want our children to leave in Year 6 with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society.


Owls Class said that ‘It is fun when we get to say our opinions’.



We have a whole school approach to PDL and our curriculum has been carefully mapped out in terms of coverage and progression of skills and knowledge by all staff working together. Teachers adapt planning for their individual cohorts across a range of engaging themes. Discreet weekly PDL lessons, along with circle times, Collective Worship and themed events such as our Mental Health, Anti-Bullying and Safer Internet focus activities, allow children to identify their individual starting points, share their insights and evaluate their progress as they learn. Flexible planning and teaching enables children to have time to collaborate, revisit and reflect, and gives teachers the opportunity to focus on areas of need for particular cohorts.


All groups are given opportunities to:

  • Learn in a calm, safe and inclusive learning environment where diversity is valued, expression is encouraged and children can connect with their peers.
  • reflect upon and discuss their own feelings and experiences whilst listening to those of others with curiosity and kindness.
  • work together to share worries, discuss problems, ask questions and find solutions.
  • express themselves thoughtfully and creatively through speech, drawing, song, mind-mapping or role-play.
  • become aspirational individuals and responsible citizens with a global conscience who are motivated by dreams and goals. 
  • relate their learning from PDL to the wider school curriculum as they apply the skills they have learnt and practise new approaches. Collaboration, resilience, independence, reflectiveness and growth mindset are just some of the qualities they learn that help them to succeed in other academic pursuits.


Children in Owls Class commented that the best thing about PSHE in our school is the   ‘would you rather’ in Circle Time and hearing everyone’s ideas.



Our PDL curriculum allows children to develop the social and emotional skills they need to fulfill their potential - both academically and in their personal lives - as we prepare them for rewarding futures.

By the time our children leave school at the end of Year 6, they will be able to:

  • approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
  • know how to keep themselves healthy, be respectful and tolerant members of society with an appreciation of difference and diversity
  • understand and manage their emotions and know how to ask for help
  • know how to look after their well-being
  • be able to develop positive, healthy relationships based on mutual respect
  • set goals and deal with disappointment
  • understand how conflicts can occur and how to resolve them
  • have the skills to work within a team and communicate effectively
  • understand how their choices can have an impact on the school community as well as globally


