
Abbotts Ann Church of England Primary SchoolCelebrating Achievement, Building the Future in God's Love with Curiosity in our Minds, Compassion in our Hearts and Courage in our Actions


Mathematics Curriculum at Abbotts Ann CofE Primary School



At Abbotts Ann CofE Primary, our intent is that mathematics is a subject which provides children the opportunity to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding, thus reflecting on our core value of curiosity. We believe it is integral for children’s learning that they make connections between mathematics and everyday life; thus seeing the benefit and relevance of mathematics. We are beginning to identify where maths can be incorporated across different curricular areas and will continue to build on this so we have a firm understanding of how mathematics links with the rest of our curriculum.

We recognise that mathematics can be a daunting subject, especially for those children who find it difficult. However, we want to create an environment where adults and children alike believe that it is a subject that all can enjoy and all can do! We encourage children to have courage when they find it difficult, reflecting another of our core values, and to use the tools they have around them when something is difficult.

Our teaching curriculum ensures clear progression across the school. Skills and knowledge are taught each term and revisited several times throughout the year, to ensure learning is built on and embedded.

We have a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to teaching, which helps children to develop their depth of understanding.

“I like the challenges in Maths; it can be quite hard” - Finley, year 4



Maths lessons take place daily across the school and are delivered through quality first teaching using a ‘spiral’ curriculum. This approach introduces concepts progressively and revisits them regularly, thereby giving children the opportunity to build on and develop their skills, and ultimately to achieve mastery of them. In EYFS, we recognise the importance of children becoming grounded in mathematical concepts as early as possible. To facilitate this, we ensure that there are many rich opportunities for our children to build and apply their understanding across all areas of mathematics, with a strong emphasis on counting confidently; gaining a deep understanding of numbers to 10; spotting patterns and relationships within and between numbers; calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and developing their spacial reasoning skills. All children have dedicated time to work with staff, both in small groups and on a one-to-one basis, where learning is tailored to individual needs and ability. Furthermore, there are a wide range of carefully-planned maths activities and games within the continuous provision for the children to access. As children transition from Reception into Year 1, the majority will have developed a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary.


In Key stage 1 and key stage 2, we broadly follow the Hampshire model for mathematics. We aim to teach each unit at least twice a year, with some being far regular. We recognise fluency plays an important part in building core skills, to ensure children have the autonomy required to progress to a deeper level of understanding; therefore we encourage children to do some fluency work around each unit. Key stage 2 classes build on the children’s mathematical skills by incorporating small arithmetic or times table based challenges on a daily basis.


We also recognise the significant importance that problem solving and reasoning has in ensuring a learner can apply their mathematical skills. Therefore, we have a strong emphasis on problem solving and reasoning in our lessons, where we encourage children to use different methods and strategies to solve the problems, drawing on a range of age-appropriate manipulatives and models, including cubes, counters, tens frames, rekenreks, Base Ten, number lines and bar models.

We encourage children to explain their reasoning through articulating and writing their understanding in their own words.


Through targeted questioning and a wide range of AFL strategies, children are continuously assessed within maths lessons to track the progress of every child. Where possible, teachers use on-the-spot marking to give children immediate feedback on their learning within lessons. Through this approach, children who find the learning difficult are swiftly identified and support is given so that they can access and succeed within the lesson.

From Key Stage 1, maths skills are assessed termly with Rising Stars tests which provides the opportunity for in-depth question-level analysis. This enables teachers to identify individuals and groups for targeted intervention in areas specific to them.


Throughout the year, at least one member of staff attends a training session with local schools half termly. This is then fed back to staff through staff meetings and inset training. This ensures all staff are kept up-to-date with relevant practise.


We have delivered training to parents and have more dates in the future for parents to attend workshops and learning with their children.

I like times tables. I enjoy doing it and getting better at it” Eloise- Year 3



By the end of their time at Abbotts Ann, we aspire for our children to:


  • Have a secure foundation in the key skills and aims of the Primary Mathematics National Curriculum.
  • Be fluent mathematicians and demonstrate high success in arithmetic
  • Be able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems
  • Reason with increased confidence and accuracy
  • Have a positive attitude towards maths as they move forward with the next stage of their maths learning.


“I love Maths- it’s my favourite lesson” Charlie- Year 6
